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Fitness & running trails

Ollinpolku trails

Ollinpolku trails in Huhtasenkylä village are 2,5 km ja 3,6 km long. The shorter Ollinpolku is marked in yellow and the longer is in blue. Both trails are easy to navigate.

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Puntala Kissankierros

A 7 km long trail in Puntala. Kissankierros translates to "Cat loop", meow.

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Water tower fitness track

By the water tower, behind the sports field, there is a five-kilometer gravel-sand-coal fitness track and other easy tracks in varying, rolling terrain.

Oritlampi fitness track

Oritlampi fitness track, 2,2 km – illuminated track. The starting point of the soft & easy fitness track is only a couple of hundred meters from the highway. The track mainly runs through pleasant forest terrain, but across a couple of clear-cut areas.

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