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Scenic trails

Hukkavuori [Wolf Hill] and Haukkavuori [Hawk Hill] are both located in the northern part of Ruokolahti. The exotic and fun trails at Hukkavuori are a sympathetic experience for hikers and families with active children. 1, 2, 5, 8 and 10 km options.

Haukkavuori is the highest point in South Karelia and from there you have a really nice view of lake Sarajärvi, as well as a connection to the E10 -hiking trails. 1,6 km or 4,5 km long trails.

Hukkavuori trail

Perhaps the region's most exotic and sympathetic nature experience can be found in the northern part of the municipality: the Hukkavuori [Wolf Hill] trails.

The trails are not only a fascinating trip to forest nature, but also a delightful experience due to the funny signs and the generous consideration of hikers' needs. Everything is designed and built by Matti, the owner of the Päivölä farm and where the parking and the first interesting details are. He has lovingly built these trails and its details over the years onto his own farmyard and in his own forests.

You will understand what we mean when you visit the trails yourself. Strong recommendation.

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Haukkavuori trail

The highest point in South Karelia is in the northern part of Ruokolahti, Haukkavuori [Hawk Hill]. It is a historical landscape and nature destination on the border of Ruokolahti and Rautjärvi. There is a drop of 80 meters from the top of the hill to the sparkling lake Sarajärvi below.

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